Little Samantha's Choice Page 7
“I promise you that I will never give away your dolls. Those are yours to keep forever and to play with. Earlier you said that you felt ashamed for enjoying acting like a little girl. Can you tell me why?”
I didn’t say anything for a minute. I wanted to phrase exactly how I felt without hurting my husband’s feelings. “It’s because I’m an adult. Yeah, it’s fun to play with dolls and let you decide some things. But, Jackson, this isn’t normal. An age play fantasy isn’t normal for a twenty-five-year-old man or woman. Two normal twenty-five-year-old adults don’t like to have one dress up as a baby and the other act like their daddy. Normal twenty-five-year-olds fantasize about being kidnapped by their spouse, or being tied up and made love to. Those are normal fantasies.”
“Says who? Samantha, have you seen how many age play stories are out there? Where do you think I bought all of the furniture and other items that are in the nursery? There are more people out there in the world who participate in this lifestyle than either of us even realize.”
I thought about that for a second. He had a point. If there wasn’t a big enough demand for the age play books or furniture, no company would make those items. Yet, they did. Proving what Jackson said to be true.
He continued. “And even if we were the only people in the world who decided to play in this lifestyle, who cares? No one will ever find out what we like to do in the privacy of our own home. So, it doesn’t really matter what other people think about this, does it? I only care about what you think about it and if you would like to role play like this again with me in the future.”
I looked into my husband’s eyes and saw his passion shine through. I can do this, I thought to myself. Even though I feel that this is crazy and kind of wrong for two twenty-five-year-old adults to do, I can do this for my husband.
I took a deep breath and said, “Okay. If… if you want to role play some more like this, than I will join you.” Without realizing it, I had brought Molly to my chest and was squeezing her tightly.
Jackson’s face lit up like a little boy’s face would on Christmas morning. His enthusiasm was contagious, and soon I was smiling back at him. That look of his is going to get me into trouble someday, I thought to myself.
“Okay, with that being said, we need to make up some rules and go over things that we wouldn’t want to do while playing.”
Oh… domineering Jackson is back! This guy is hot! I thought to myself, as I nodded in agreement.
“I’ll go first,” he said. “You need a safe word. When you and I are playing, if anything happens that you do not like at all, you just say this word, and everything that we are doing—no matter what—stops. Since it’s your safe word, I will let you chose it. Just make sure that it is a word that you normally would not say when we are playing. Okay?”
I nodded, already beginning to think about what word I should chose for my safe word.
“Good. Now I think that this next rule is an obvious one, but I want it to be stated just so you know exactly where I draw the line. When we are playing, we will never take pictures, videos, or openly expose ourselves in public, unless both of us decide that it’s okay. Are you in agreement with that?”
“Absolutely,” I said, nodding. I never wanted anyone to find out about this side of our marriage. The sober look on Jackson’s face told me that he felt the same way as me.
“I thought that you would like that one. My next rule is a personal decision of mine. Some people play this way, others don’t. Either way is okay. So, when we are playing, I will never touch you sexually. I want us when we are playing to have the most realistic daddy and little girl relationship as possible.”
That sounded fine by me. Sure, it would be irritating that sometimes we couldn’t have sex, but I could deal with that.
“My last rule is that when we are playing, you have to obey me. You might not like what you have to do, or understand why I am making you do something, but it is always for your own good and I would never do anything to harm you physically, mentally, or emotionally. If you do not obey me, you will receive a punishment that fits the crime. Are those rules acceptable to you?”
I thought about the last two rules for a second and then said, “Yes, I agree with those rules. Even if I’m not a fan of getting a spanking. May I add two rules to the list, please?”
“My first one is when you spank me, can you please only use your hand? I don’t really like pain and the thought of you using a hairbrush or belt to punish me makes me want to run away so fast and far away to avoid it. Trust me, your hand is hard enough.”
A grin spread across my husband’s face at the last part of my statement. I wasn’t trying to be funny when I said it. His hand really did inflict enough pain on my bottom that he wouldn’t need to use anything else to let me know I had misbehaved.
“Okay. That sounds fair. I promise to only use my hand while punishing you. What is your other rule?”
“When we are playing can you promise not to use any drugs on me? No sedatives, no diuretics, no laxatives, or any other type of drug. When we play, I want to be in control all the time of my body and bodily functions.”
He didn’t even have to think about that one before he said, “I promise I will not use any drugs on you. Unless you are sick and I think some Advil or Ibuprofen would help you. That sound fair?”
“Yes. I’m okay with Advil and Ibuprofen. Also, I decided that I want my safe word to be octopus. I shouldn’t say that word unless we go to the zoo or else if I’m watching Animal Planet.”
“I like that safe word. Octopus it is. Now, is there anything else that you would like to say about this experience?”
I went over our entire conversation in my head. I wanted to make sure that we hit all of the topics. When I came to the conclusion that we had, I said, “I’m finished.”
“Good. Now, on to the fun part of the day. For this part, Molly has to leave the room, I’m afraid,” he said, as he gently took Molly out of my hands and carried her out of the bedroom.
When Jackson came back into the room a minute later, I looked up into his eyes and noticed a new look in them. I knew that look and five seconds later, I was on my back in bed, with him lying over me. He plastered his mouth onto mine, and our tongues looped together.
He pulled back and said, “I think that you are a little overdressed for what I have in mind now, Mrs. Briggs.”
“Right back at you, Mr. Briggs,” I said while starting to unbutton his shirt.
In record time, we tore each other clothes off and were soon both naked. I lay on the bed as Jackson kneeled at the foot of it. I could literally feel his eyes looking up and down my body. The attention made my nipples pebble into tiny beads and my pussy let out a gush of wetness.
“Jackson!” I cried, starting to get frustrated when he just sat there, looking at me.
“Sorry. It just feels like forever since we have had sex. I want to memorize your body.”
“Do it later or else I’ll have to take care of myself!” I said, while I brought one of my hands to play with my nipples, while my other trailed down to the apex at my thighs. My breath hitched when my thumb started to rub slow circles on my clit.
I heard Jackson growl and then both of my hands were trapped in one of his and he was holding them above the bed.
“Your body is mine. You will never take care of it by yourself,” he said, right before he smashed his lips against mine again.
I squirmed underneath him, wanting him to let my hands go so I could touch him. It had been thirty torturous days since I had come, and I was ready to right now! And I also wanted to touch my husband and pleasure his body just as he was mine.
“Stop squirming!” he said, pulling his lips away from mine so we could catch our breaths.
“I want to come!”
“I should make you wait to draw out the pleasure for both of us, but this evening I’m in the mood for instant gratification.”
I couldn’t help
the smile that crossed my face as I saw him reach into the nightstand for a condom.
“It’s going to be hard and fast tonight,” he said, rolling the condom onto himself and thus, freeing my hands. He was back on top of me in seconds, kissing the spot right behind my ear as one of his hands played with my nipples and the other hand teased my clit.
I felt myself getting wetter and wetter, until I was convinced that he was trying to drive me out of my mind. “Jackson! I thought that you said it was going to be hard and fast tonight!”
“Just making sure that you’re ready for me,” he said, right before he impaled me and kissed me at the same time.
I had a second to take a breath before I felt my orgasm wash over me, wave after wave as my entire body convulsed and my inner vaginal walls squeezed Jackson’s cock.
Seconds later, I felt him release his seed as he continued to thrust in and out of me. Once he finished and I was just coming down from my orgasm, he pulled out and I lay on my back, trying to catch my breath, a light sheen of sweat covering my body. That was the best orgasm I’d had in a while. My entire body felt spent, and I was ready to curl up with Jackson and go straight to sleep.
He got up from the bed, pulling the used condom off of himself and tossing it in the trash can. Then he disappeared into the bathroom for a minute and came out with a damp washcloth.
“You don’t have to do that,” I said, pulling the sheet over my body.
He sat on the side of the bed, next to me, just staring at me.
“Jackson, you really don’t have to,” I pleaded, gripping the sheet tight against me.
“Samantha. We’ve been married for three years now and we’ve known each other longer, and I’m going to do this. I don’t know why you have such a big problem with it.”
I still hadn’t let go of the sheet.
“I can sit here all night if I have to.”
I sighed and let go of the sheet. Jackson pulled it down off my body and let it pool by my legs. Then, very tenderly, he cleaned my pussy with the washcloth.
“I don’t know why this gets you so worked up, sweetie. You just had a bath and probably won’t take one until tomorrow night. I don’t know why you would want to wait until then.”
“It’s embarrassing!”
“How? I see it as a husband taking proper care of his wife. Showing that he loves and cherishes her body and wants to take care of it.”
“It just feels more intimate than anything we’ve ever done before.”
“That’s okay. Samantha, I know your body inside and out. Trust me, no matter how intimate the act is, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“That’s what you say.”
He smirked and then asked, “How would you feel if I shaved you down here?” He ruffled his fingers through my curls.
A gush of juices gave him his answer, the one I didn’t want him to know. He gave me a knowing smile as he cleaned up the extra wetness.
I had always fantasied about how it would feel to have myself shaven down there. In all the stories that I had read where the heroine gets her pubic hair shaved, they all describe it as more sensitive, making their love lives with their heroes more pleasurable. I never had the courage to do it, but now that Jackson knew, I was sure that someday and soon, it would happen.
He threw the used washcloth into the laundry basket and crawled into bed with me. He lay down on his back and I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him wrap his arms around me and give me a squeeze, and I reached for the covers and pulled them up so we would be nice and warm.
“I love you so much, Jackson. Let’s promise to never go a month without sex again. I’ve missed this closeness so much.”
I felt him tighten his hold on me, and then he said, “I won’t argue with that. I love you too, Samantha. Thank you for not running away this past month.”
I looked up at him and said, “I couldn’t run away from you, ever. You’re my husband, and now my daddy. But most importantly, you’re my best friend.”
He looked down at me as he said, “You’re my best friend too, honey.” He kissed me on the forehead and I snuggled closer to him, closing my eyes.
After a few minutes, we were sound asleep.
Chapter Nine
Jackson and I set up a rough schedule for our adult and baby play time. From Friday nights to Sunday evenings, I was his baby girl, and then during the week, I was his adult wife. We didn’t always follow this schedule, though. If I had a lot of work to do, I would stay an adult for the weekend to get it done. On the other hand, sometimes, if I had a really rough day at work, after dinner Jackson would give me a bath while I played with my bath toys. Afterwards, I would brush Molly’s hair out, while he brushed mine.
Once he finished getting all the tangles out of my hair, he would help me change into some comfortable footie pajamas. Then I would go and pick a story for us to read, and my daddy would make my nightly bottle. After I picked the book, I would sit on my daddy’s lap and Molly would sit in mine. My daddy would read us a book and when we finished, he would plop the bottle of warm milk into my mouth and begin to rock back and forth while singing me a lullaby. Once I finished my bottle, he would carry me into our bedroom and place me in our bed. He would join me a few minutes later and snuggle me all night long.
The next morning, I always felt invigorated and was able to walk into work with a new determination to get things done.
It was Friday evening and I had just gotten out of my third meeting of the day. I sat down at my desk and looked at the pictures of Jackson and I on my desk, and I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face. Now that I knew the truth about what he had been hiding from me, I had never been happier.
I thought about the past couple of weeks and realized that I didn’t mind being a little girl for Jackson because it made him so happy. If he was happy, I was happy. It was nice to have my daddy take care of all my needs so I just had to worry about what to do with my free time. It was also helpful that I no longer felt ashamed about what I did when I was in my little headspace anymore. Daddy had only made me wear those training pants two other times, and they didn’t bother me anymore, and he made me drink a bottle only before my nap time and before I fell asleep at night. I would never admit it to my husband, but I loved my bottle of warm milk before I fell asleep. It made me feel so relaxed and I normally fell asleep so fast that I didn’t even finish the bottle.
I swiveled in my chair, looking out the windows at the breathtaking view. I thought about the last embarrassing thing that I had to suffer through and even now, my face turned red thinking about the first time that I had to use a pacifier…
It had been last weekend, and as I had lain on the couch in my daddy’s office, coloring in one of my coloring books, I began to suck on my left thumb. My daddy saw this and told me to take my thumb out of my mouth. As I did, my daddy stood up and said that he had something that he could give me to suck on instead. I was curious about what he was getting for me, so I got up from the couch and followed him into the nursery.
He went to the dresser and pulled out an adult-sized pacifier. I quickly dropped the green crayon that I had been using and started to slowly walk away from him.
“No. I really don’t need that, Daddy. I promise that I won’t suck on my thumb anymore.” I said, picturing myself sucking on a pacifier. Sucking on a bottle before nap time was one thing, but sucking on a pacifier during the regular day was another thing that I didn’t think I was ready for.
“Sweetie,” he said, in a warning voice, stepping closer to me.
I turned around, trying to run away, but daddy was faster than me. He wrapped both of his muscular arms around me and turned me around.
He squatted down so that we were at eye level and said, “Baby, this isn’t a punishment. Lots of little girls suck on pacifiers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Now come on, open up.”
Daddy brought the pacifier to my lips, but I shook my head and kept my mouth shut tight.
“We have to do this the hard way then,” he sighed as he picked me up and carried me into his office. He sat down on the couch and positioned me over his lap. When I felt him pull down my pants and underwear, I knew what was coming.
Smack! His hand felt like it was made out of wood as it squarely hit my bottom.
“Ah! Daddy! Stop! Only babies use pacifiers!” I shouted, all the while trying to move my butt so my daddy wouldn’t spank it.
Smack! “You will do as your daddy says,” he scolded, continuing to rain slaps down on my increasingly aching bottom.
I could feel the warmth of the spanks starting to spread around my bottom, and I knew that before the spanking was done, my entire bottom would be bright red, like a tomato, because my daddy didn’t like to leave a single place on my bottom un-spanked. My butt was beginning to feel like it was on fire.
“P-please, Daddy. N-no pacifiers! I’m n-not a b-b-baby…” I begged him as I began to cry.
Smack! “Pacifiers are not—just for babies!” he continued to lecture me, while swatting at my quivering bottom. “You will use the pacifier and—it will make you feel better!”
After the last spank, I felt him press his hand slightly down on my bottom. This kept the sting in my skin for a few extra moments.
Defeated, I stopped moving and began to sob because my bottom hurt so bad. It felt like I had slipped and fallen on the floor several times.
“I-I’m… s-sorry… D-Daddy!” I cried out, wanting the stinging to stop.
“It’s okay, sweetie. The spanking is over now,” he said as he rubbed my bottom, spreading the heat all around.
I kept crying. I hated getting spankings because I knew they meant that my daddy was disappointed in me. I also didn’t like feeling so vulnerable and having my naked butt in the air.
He moved me so that I was sitting up on his lap, and then he slowly rocked me as I cried into his shirt.