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Little Samantha's Choice Page 6
Little Samantha's Choice Read online
Page 6
“Okay. I’m going to pull your training pants back up. That might sting your bottom a little, but not too much now since I rubbed some oil into it.” He helped me to my feet and then reached for those stupid training pants.
As he began to pull the training pants up my legs, I asked, “Why don’t you just call them what they really are… pull-ups.”
“Training pants, pull-ups, same thing,” he said, as he pulled the light blue sweatpants up over my pull-ups. “Lift your arms, baby girl.”
I did and he slipped a Powder Puff Girls long sleeve shirt on me. After that, he put little socks on my feet that had ruffles on them. I looked down at the outfit I was wearing. It was definitely an outfit that a young girl would wear, but it wasn’t that babyish.
“Would you like me to brush your hair, baby?”
“Only if I can brush Molly’s hair too!” I said with the excitement of getting to play with the doll that I had really wanted as a child, but never got to have.
“Alright, sweetheart, go get Molly.”
I had forgotten Molly in the kitchen, so I raced to get her. Wearing the pull-up definitely felt different to me. There was a slight bulkiness between my legs, but I guessed that it wasn’t as bad as the diaper that I had worn before had been. At least it doesn’t crinkle as much as the diaper, I thought.
When I returned back to the nursery, I sat on the bed in between Jackson’s… no, my Daddy’s legs and Molly sat between mine.
It felt wonderful to let daddy brush my hair. He gently brushed it, and if he encountered a tangle, he took his time to get it out. Unlike me who would just pull my hair as hard as I could to get the tangles out before bed. He put my hair into a French braid and I did Molly’s hair the same way, but it wasn’t as good as how my hair looked.
“Look, Daddy! Molly and I are twins!” I said, holding Molly up for my daddy to see.
“Yes, you guys are!” he chuckled with a huge smile on his face. “Now, baby girl, are you ready to play?”
“Oh yes!”
And play we did, all morning long.
Chapter Seven
Around lunch time, I started to get hungry. I had been in the family room, playing with Molly and my other dolls while daddy answered a call from a customer who needed help. I got up and went to the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator door. I was just about to grab the makings for a sandwich, when daddy’s hands wrapped around me.
“What are you doing, sweetie?”
“I’m hungry, so I was going to make a sandwich. Would you like one?” I asked.
“Little girls don’t make their own lunch. Their daddies make their lunch for them. Do you need to go potty?”
I turned in his arms and said in an annoyed voice, “No, Daddy, I don’t have to go potty.”
“Are you sure? It’s been about four hours since you last went. Did you wet your pull-up on accident?”
“What?” I shouted, angry that he would ask me something like that. I tried to pull away, but he held me tighter and with one hand he pulled down my pants.
I froze, stunned that he would pull my pants down to check if I wet the stupid pull-up.
He looked at the front of my pull-up and said, “No, you didn’t have an accident. Come on. You need to go sit on the potty.” He pulled my pants back up, took my hand, and led me to the downstairs bathroom.
“How did you know that I didn’t use these?” I asked, referring to my training pants.
“If you did wet yourself, the little princesses in the front would go away, and a dark purple color would appear. The princesses are still there, so that means that you are still dry.”
We walked into the bathroom, and he made quick work of removing my pants and training pants.
“Sit down on the toilet now and try to go to the bathroom,” he said, gently pushing me down so I sat on the toilet.
I closed my eyes, trying to relax, and surprisingly I started to pee. When I was done, I opened my eyes and saw my daddy staring down at me. I didn’t realize that he had stayed in the bathroom with me until I opened my eyes. A wave of embarrassment flashed through me as I felt my face turn red. This is for my husband, I thought to myself to try and calm down.
“Need me to wipe you?” he asked.
“No. I’m good, Daddy.” I whispered. As I grabbed the toilet paper, I could feel my face turning an even deeper shade of red from embarrassment. This role playing is going to be a lot harder than I realized, I thought to myself.
I finished cleaning myself, stood up, and pulled my training pants and sweat pants back up. I walked over to the sink, washed my hands, and then I took my daddy’s hand and together we walked back to the kitchen to eat lunch.
“Baby girl, you said that you wanted a sandwich, right?”
“Yes, please.”
“Okay. Go sit at the kitchen table while I whip some sandwiches up.”
“Okay,” I said, walking over to the kitchen table.
After a few minutes, he brought over two plates. He had placed my sandwich that was cut up into four little squares on the Disney Princess plate.
I licked my lips and dug into one of the squares. I had been starving! “Yum! This is tasty. I haven’t had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich since I was like ten!”
“I’m glad you like it,” he said, kissing the top of my head and placing the Disney Princess sippy cup with apple juice in it in front of me. Then he sat down and began to eat his turkey sandwich.
I began to feel a little embarrassed to be eating off a Disney Princess plate and to be drinking from a sippy cup, but when I looked over at my husband and saw the look of absolute adoration in his eyes, I got over my embarrassment.
After we both finished lunch and all our plates and cups were in the dishwasher, I asked, “What do you want to play now, Daddy?”
“Now, sweetie, it is naptime.”
“What? No, I’m not tired! I want to play!” I whined. I might have been a little sleepy, but I was not going to admit that.
“Watch your tone, young lady. Remember that little conversation we had this morning about you listening to me? Would you like to have it again?”
I remembered the spanking from that morning and shook my head. “No, Daddy.”
“How about you go to your nursery and I’ll be there in a second with something to help you fall asleep, okay?”
“Yes, Daddy”, I said, a little afraid of what he thought would help me sleep. I walked up to the nursery and grabbed Molly from the day bed. Then I walked over to the bookcase and started to browse through the books, looking for one that had colorful pictures. I thought, if I have to take a nap, then I might as well get my daddy to read me a story before I fall asleep.
A few minutes later, he came into the nursery with his arm behind his back. I still had been looking at the books on the bookcase, trying to pick one for my daddy to read to me. My daddy sat down on the rocking chair next to the bookcase and told me to sit on his lap. Guess I won’t be getting read that story right now, I thought to myself.
When I got settled on his lap, he brought his arm up and I saw that he was holding a baby bottle filled with milk. I began to panic slightly, not wanting to go as far as drinking from a baby bottle like an actual baby. But I did what any normal kid would do if they didn’t want to do something: I complained to my daddy. “No! No, no, no! I will not drink from… that!”
“Samantha…” he growled in warning, “you will either drink this and go to sleep, or else you will be spanked, drink this, and then go to sleep.” He had that look in his eye that said he meant business. I realized that I wouldn’t be able to get out of drinking from that bottle unless I called the entire role playing off.
“I’m nervous, Daddy,” I said, looking straight at the bottle.
“What are you nervous about, Samantha?”
“If I drink from that bottle… I don’t want to be treated like an actual baby.”
He sighed. “Honey, what did I tell you before? I will never push you to do so
mething that you don’t want to. If you really don’t think that you are ready to drink from a bottle, then I won’t force you to. It’s your decision, but I think that this will really make nap time easier for you.”
I looked up into my husband’s eyes and all I saw was love and concern for me. Seeing that, it made my decision easy. This is for him, I repeated to myself.
“I guess… I guess that I should try it,” I said hesitantly. “But, what should I do when I drink it?” The last time I had drunk from a baby bottle I had been practically comatose, and I hadn’t used a bottle before that since I was about three. So, it had been a while.
“All you have to do, baby, is close your eyes, lean your head on my shoulder, relax, and suck on the nipple of the bottle. You’ve done so well today. This will help you relax and fall asleep. I know you’re tired.”
“Okay.” I did what he told me to do. I closed my eyes, leaned my head on his shoulder, and took a deep breath to relax. When I felt the nipple of the bottle touch my lips, I opened my mouth to let the nipple in, and then I began to suck on it. Warm milk started to come into my mouth and I swallowed in and kept sucking.
As I felt my daddy begin to rock back and forth in the rocking chair, I really did start to feel sleepy. I knew that my daddy had been right that I needed a nap because I was tired. We had played so much that morning—running around the house, drawing, and playing with my dolls. My eyes began to droop just as he started to sing me a soft lullaby.
As I contently sucked from my bottle, I thought about what had happened so far in the day. If I was being completely honest with myself, I had to admit that I hadn’t had this much fun or felt this relaxed in years. It was nice to be able to color, play with dolls, and let my daddy make all of my decisions, instead of having to think about the current projects that were taking place at my company. It was hard to call Jackson “Daddy”, though, but I thought that I could get used to it.
I was getting very sleepy, the warm milk making my body lose every last ounce of tension. My last thought before I drifted away was that I had never felt so peaceful before.
Chapter Eight
I kept rocking Samantha, content to just watch her sleep. The day had surpassed all of my fantasies. I was so happy that she had been willing to participate in my fetish at least once. I knew that she had struggled at first to embrace her little role, but when she had, she seemed to love it. I hoped that she would continue to love it, so we could continue role playing. If she didn’t, though, I would have to accept that.
My thoughts turned back to my sleeping little girl when she snuggled even closer to me. She looked absolutely adorable in her outfit. I had been hesitant to start her off wearing a pair of training pants, but I decided that I didn’t want to hold anything back from her. I wanted Samantha to see the full extent of what being my little girl would hold for her. But, she wouldn’t be able to know that until I went online and ordered a few more items that I hadn’t been able to order before. If I had ordered those items then Samantha would have figured out my fetish much earlier.
I carried Samantha to the day bed, placed her down, tucked her in, and placed a kiss on her forehead. Then I walked out of the nursery, ready to do some online shopping.
* * *
I had just placed my order when I heard Samantha starting to stir. Just as I was about to get up, she was at the nursery doorway.
“Hi, sweetie. Did you have a good nap?”
“Yes,” she said, walking past my desk.
“What’s the hurry, hon?” I asked, getting up from my chair.
“I really need to use the bathroom,” she said, dashing out of the study.
I smiled, deciding that I wasn’t going to follow her into the bathroom this time. Instead, I decided to wait for her in the family room, and after a few minutes, she came and sat down right next to me and put her head on my shoulder.
“Feel better?” I asked, wrapping my arm around her.
She nodded.
“I’m glad. You’re such a big girl for using the potty by yourself. Maybe tomorrow I won’t make you wear those pull-ups. You’ve proven that you can handle things like using the potty when you have to, like a big girl.”
I could tell that she was about to protest my statement, but she stopped herself and said, “Thank you, Daddy.”
I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face. The morning had been filled with so many new experiences for her that I decided this afternoon, we would just relax. “Would you like to watch a movie, princess?”
“Yes, please, Daddy.”
I got up off the couch and turned on Samantha’s favorite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast. I turned around to see her sigh as she sank further into the couch. Instead of going to sit next to her again, I sat at the bottom of the couch, put her feet on my lap, and pulled off her socks. I could see that she was confused about what I was doing. Then I started to massage her feet and her face went from confused to relaxed. She sank even further into the couch as I continued to massage her little piggies.
As the movie progressed, I got up and got my laptop as I needed to finish one more document before the weekend was over. Samantha was so engrossed in her movie that she didn’t seem to realize that I had left for a few minutes. I came back, sat down, and worked on my document while Samantha watched her movie.
* * *
When the movie finished, I went up to the nursery while Daddy finished up what he was working on. I played with all of my dolls and stuffed animals. When I made sure that my Daddy wasn’t anywhere near the nursery, I lined all my dolls and stuffed animals up and played school with them. I pretended to be the teacher and I taught my students how to count to ten.
Before I knew it, my daddy was calling me downstairs for dinner, but before I left the nursery, I made sure to put all my dolls and stuffed animals back where they had been before. I didn’t want anyone to know I had been talking to them.
I walked downstairs, carrying Molly to see that my daddy had made chicken, cutting my chicken up into tiny bits, broccoli, and mashed potatoes. I sat down and put Molly in the chair next to me. My daddy made me drink water out of a sippy cup for this meal, and I ate my dinner off of the same Disney Princess plate and used the same fork as I had before.
When we finished dinner and daddy finished cleaning up, he told me that it was time for a bath. I nodded and brought Molly into the bathroom with me. I sat her on the closed toilet seat so I could keep an eye on her, and then my daddy undressed me and put me in the bathtub filled with warm water. He surprised me when he left the room and then came back a second later with a bin filled with toys which he dumped into the bathtub.
At first, I didn’t touch the toys. Even though I had played with toys earlier that day in front of my daddy, it still felt wrong.
He quickly noticed that I wasn’t touching the toys. “Don’t you want to play with your bath toys, Samantha?”
I shook my head no.
“Are you sure? You have some pretty cool toys in there.”
I shook my head no again.
“Hmm… not even Ariel? She seems like a sad little mermaid because you won’t play with her,” he said as he pulled the Ariel doll from behind his back. He put her in the water and he pressed a button to make her tail flap.
He found my weakness. I couldn’t resist playing with a doll, let alone a Princess doll! Slowly, I reached for Ariel and began to play with her. Within minutes, I forgot about my stupid thoughts about it being wrong to play with bath toys and was showing my daddy how Ariel could dive off the bath ledge and into the tub. The entire time my daddy listened while washing my body and hair.
When it was time to get out of the tub, I didn’t want to because I was having so much fun.
“Samantha, if you don’t get out of that tub right now, you will be getting a spanking before bed tonight.”
That threat got me out of the tub fast.
Once I got out, my daddy helped me dry myself and my hair. Then he brushed my hair wh
ile I told Molly about how high Ariel could jump. When it was time to change into my pajamas, I was surprised to see that my daddy brought the pajamas that I normally wore to bed. I decided not to question him since he was the boss, and I changed into them with his help. Then he led me back into our bedroom. We sat down on the bed, with Molly in my lap.
He began by saying, “Okay, Samantha. Baby time is over. Now is the time to talk about how you felt about everything that we did today. Would you like to go first or would you like me to?”
“I’ll go first,” I said, wanting to talk and just get it over with. Now that we were done playing, I started to feel embarrassed. During the day, a part of me had been looking at life through the eyes of a four-year-old girl, so I hadn’t minded playing with dolls. But now, thinking as an adult, I couldn’t believe that I had done certain things.
“Come here, baby,” Jackson said, opening his arms to me in invitation. I climbed right in and snuggled into him while squeezing Molly close to my chest. “How about if I start for you? Right now, you’re looking at the day through the eyes of a twenty-five-year-old woman, and you are ashamed of what happened today. Am I right?
I nodded against his shoulder.
“We can talk about that in a minute. Just tell me, today when we were playing, how did you feel?”
“At first I felt embarrassed because I’m twenty-five and you found me in a room for a little girl. Then I got angry because you said I might have an accident when you knew full well I wouldn’t. After that, it was okay, I guess.”
“Just okay? Here I thought that you were having fun. I guess I must have been wrong,” he said as he rubbed my back.
“Well, I guess that it was more than okay. It was fun to play with the dolls and Molly. It made me realize how much I’ve missed playing with dolls and then it got me thinking about when my mom gave all my dolls away. That memory made me feel unhappy,” I said, looking up into my husband’s eyes. When I did, I thought that I would see judgment there, but instead I only saw love. That made me feel more comfortable about what I had done during that day than any words that Jackson could have told me.